
“ 限制物欲是占星术士修行的一部分,只有简朴地生活,才能窥探到世界的真实。 ”
Astrologers must rid themselves of material desires. Only by ridding oneself of clutter can one see the true world around them.

“ 正是因为无法更改,无可违逆,只能接受,命运才会被称之为命运。 ”
Fate is called as such, for it cannot be changed, nor can it be reversed. It can only but be accepted.

“ 占星术士的工作,是向人们明确地展示他们即将面对的命运,我也是这么做的…不过,总有些人不愿意接受。 ”
The work of the astrologer is to show people what fate has in store for them, and that's exactly what I do. There will always be those, however, who are unable to accept what they are told.

“ 我的爱好?仰望星空。在这个真实得太过分的世界里,每个人都需要仰望星空。 ”
My hobby? Stargazing! In this all-too-real world in which we live, we all need to look up from the dust once in a while and fix our gaze on the stars, in a spirit of wonder...

—— 阿斯托洛吉斯 · 莫娜 · 梅姬斯图斯( Astrologist · Mona · Megistus )

“ 任何行动难免都有风险,你要多加小心。 ”
Every course of action has its risks. Be careful.

“ 雨吗,可惜洗刷不了那些污秽的心。 ”
Rain... If only it could cleanse the corrupt souls of this world.

“ 只要坚信自己的道路,就无所谓天气是晴是雨。 ”
Listen, as long as you stick to your own path, it doesn't matter what Mother Nature throws at you.

—— 迪卢克( Diluc )

“ 「明日复明日,明日何其多…」总之,快快行动起来吧。 ”
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today! C'mon, let's get a move on!

—— 瑶瑶( YaoYao )

“ 等在原地是不会有好事发生的 ”
Good things come to those who don't wait around!

“ 没想到我这么倒霉的人也可以获得神的认可,既然神都没有放弃我,我又怎么能放弃我自己呢? ”
Getting recognized by the gods was the last thing I expected, seeing as how I'm so unlucky all the time. But if the gods haven't given up on me, I guess that means I shouldn't give up on me either.

—— 班尼特( Bennett )

“ 天气晴朗,不如做一些和「阳光」有关的事吧。欸?具体一点…只要能让你的心情也变得晴朗的事,都可以。 ”
Mmm, such fair weather. Why don't we do a bit of sunny work? Oh, what sort of work is that, you ask? Haha, well, anything that makes you feel bright and sunny too.

“ 我只是每天都做同样的事,和真正的骑士比起来还差远了…但这是通往骑士之路的修行,修行可不能只是嘴上说说而已啊。 ”
In my job, I do the exact same things every day — a far cry from being a true knight, that's for sure. But ultimately, this is all part of my training, and when it comes to training, actions speak louder than words.

—— 诺艾尔( Noelle )

“ 只有保持心、弓、箭三位一体,才能命中正鹄。 ”
To strike your foe takes unity between mind, arrow, and bow.

—— 九条裟罗( Kujou Sara )

“ 激励与抚慰是别人的强项,度量「代价」则是我的做法。 ”
I'm not the friend to come to for words of comfort or encouragement. But, when it comes to weighing the costs of your actions, ask away.

“ 七成调查,一成判断,剩下的用于出击。这是我分配精力的方式。 ”
Here's how I allocate my energy on a job, Seventy percent goes to investigating, ten percent to making a final decision, and the remainder for execution.

“ 我见过有烦恼的人不是想得太多就是想得太少。我总在为自己寻找下一个目标与落点,没闲心烦恼。 ”
Most worriers I've met either think too much or too little. I'm always looking to my next destination and goal, so I never have the time to worry.

—— 基尼奇( Kinich )

“ 为了保护珍贵之物,只有盾是不够的。所以…我才会握起枪。 ”
A shield is not enough to protect the most important things. That's why I must also wield a spear.

“ 在村中散步就是我最喜欢做的事。看到一切都好,就让人觉得今日犹如昨天,昨天犹如过去,而过去又总是好的。 ”
I always love taking walks in the village. Seeing that all is still well gives me a sense that... if today is just like yesterday, and yesterday is just like all the days before it... things have always been pleasant here, throughout history.

—— 坎蒂斯( Candace )

“ 有时明月无人夜,独向昭潭制恶龙。 ”
’Twas on a deserted moonlit night that the hero approached the vile dragon’s limpid lair...

“ 偷得浮生半日闲 ”
a moment of solitude.

“ 如果心中没有善恶的标尺,努力就会错了方向。舍本逐末,变成追逐暴力的俗人。 ”
Had I no moral compass, my efforts would have been misguided. Doomed to grasp at shadows while missing the substance, I would have become a philistine that seeks only violence.

“ 请从绝处,读我侠义。 ”
May my final stand be a monument to chivalry.

—— 行秋( Xingqiu )

“ 我来决定自己该怎么走,要成为谁。没人能对我指手画脚。 ”
It's up to me to decide who I want to be and to cut my own path. No one can tell me what to do.

“ 清高却令人向往…落到手上的一瞬,这份美丽又随之消散…雪花这东西,和「时尚」还真像… ”
The way it comes floating from on high makes you want to reach out for it... But the moment it lands on your hand, its beauty dissipates... Hmm, I suppose there are more similarities between snowflakes and fashion than I thought...

“ 很多人明里暗里表达过我的性格不够好,说话不够委婉,容易伤人。依我说,那种谁都看得出来的寒暄、客套和恭维才是在浪费彼此的时间吧?要是挑明事实就会受伤,那人也太脆弱了。 ”
Many have expressed displeasure both publicly and privately about my personality, and have complained that my words can be hurtful. But, if you ask me, all those showy pleasantries, greetings, and compliments are far more of a waste of everyone's time. If simply stating the facts seems hurtful, then perhaps they are too insecure.

“ 我在工作中追寻梦想,在爱好中探索自由。如果我每天做的事不是自己热爱的,那还有什么意思? ”
I'm pursuing my dream through my work, and exploring the meaning of freedom through my art. What's the point of spending years and years of your life over something that's not near and dear to your heart?

—— 千织( Chiori )

“ 就算古玩价值连城,给人的快乐也只有刚拥有的一瞬。 ”
Even if an antique is priceless, the happiness it brings lasts for only the moment that you obtain it.

“ 完美的猎手不会留下任何痕迹。 ”
The perfect hunter leaves no trace.

—— 凝光( Ningguang )